Friday, April 23, 2010

Unclassed Choropleth map

This map is possibly the first unclassed choropleth map made. It was made in 1841 in France and depicted the illiteracy of people in France. The black and white shading represent the density of the illiterate population.

Classed Choropleth map

This map illustrates the low birth weight percentages in New Hampshire. The different shades of blue represent the different percentages of low birth weight babies. The trend of interest is seeing where the low birth weight percentages are distributed.

Range graded proportional circle map

This range graded proportional circle map depicts a river and its unique characteristics. The circles represent the type of sediment in the river and the colored lines represent the different ways the river can be navigated. The colors represent different types of material in the river.

Star Plots

These star plots show a representation of automobile data. For every car type there is a star and within each star are different variables, shown as rays. Star plots can illustrate many different variables and are easier to understand when represented in a rectangular fashion, like the plot above.

Correlation matrix

This correlation matrix portrays a calculated protein, phage 17. The color coding is shown at the right of the matrix. It helps define how correlated or uncorrelated the different proteins are within the series.

Similarity Matrix

This matrix uses color to distinguish between highly similar data and dissimilar data. The categories are different genomes and are easily defined. The data for this matrix was found by using an equation.

stem and leaf plot

This stem and leaf plot is very simple. It shows the math grades of different students. The pro of using a plot like this is that it's a simple way of categorizing data.